Thursday, September 26, 2013

This is the first post on a new blog set up for Vince and Phil who are getting Kinky Turtle ready to set sail on September 28th.  Vince says the dock looks like a boat jumble sale at the moment because Phil has taken everything out of the boat in order to clean and organize.  Kinky Turtle has had so many upgrades over the last 9 months.  She has new port lights, a new paint job, a fancy new hatch cover designed and made by our own Vince (he is quite the seamstress), also a new Bimini to shade our adventurers, an auto helm, a chart plotter, new teak table, a working refrigerator, new head, all new electrics, a solar panel for energy, a barbeque on the back. . . and the list goes on.  She looks fabulous!!

It is hard to believe that they will be setting sail in two days time.  We will miss them, but I am so glad that they are making this journey together - friends for 35 years.  Phil is retired and Vince retires at the end of the year.  It is an exciting time.  I think a bottle of champagne must be bought for their send off.

1 comment:

  1. "Bon vent" as they say in pretentious French-speaking circles (aren't they all pretentious ?). "Good wind" gains so much in the translation. Have a good first leg and I think that Ainslie chap has just finished a little local regatta SF way so might be available to grind or cook for you chaps.

